21/05/02 10:27 ChouIsamu さん
ee」「sale」「NoAds」といった語句、ミスリードの例としては「update now」「download now」といった語句が挙げられている。また、絵文字の使用や記号の…
21/04/19 12:24 忍 さん
for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 05/01下記…
21/04/13 07:18 素人大学生 さん
Rapper:keitaroimo blog: test rap 1 - Keita Roimo
ck and brain damage bunch of humiliating experiences make me sick, sorta flashback acquiaintances now got...…
21/04/12 12:56 李(すもも) さん
smm_mha a Coffee. ko-fi.com/smm_mhaI started ko-if.I’m going to upload bnha illustrations.For now, these are the four pictures. I’ll let you know when I add more. Thanks for your support.…
21/04/02 06:14 ChouIsamu さん
題に 2014年03月19日 ソニーがクラウドゲーミングサービス「PlayStation Now」を発表 2014年01月09日 Vitaの新モデル、10月10日に発売。据え置き型のV…
21/03/30 05:01 明日武 さん
。#YouTube03/29 11:00asm99rx78RT @Reuters: WATCH: Dozens of donkeys, saved from abandonment, are now pampered with carrots from visitors in Mexico's 'Donkeyland' https:/…03/29 10:59asm99rx78@hira28…
21/03/24 13:27 忍 さん
for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/25ロゼ…
21/03/24 13:27 忍 さん
for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/25ロゼ…
21/03/02 02:48 YuK さん
s not just a square dimension stickers.Right now I feel like a child who's been saving these for special occasion so it's been displayed and unused for now.Shop:Sun and Rain StickersPolka Dot Flower S…
21/02/20 14:38 忍 さん
for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/01下記…
21/02/08 04:12 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
会員登録でFamiPayボーナス500円相当がもれなくもらえる!ファミマのアプリは使わないともったいない #ファミマ @famima_now https://t.co/yvCo7iNfp9 02-07 08:36 …
21/02/05 23:04 サトウミヤ さん
Last Lecture: Jane Ziebarth-Bovill presenting ‘Inviting Hope During Difficult Times’
"We are living in challenging times right now, and people need hope and courage to keep on going when life looks dark and difficult,” said Ziebarth-Bovill, who will speak 7 p.m. Wednesday during a v…
21/01/22 14:56 素人大学生 さん
 Now I've read almost half of the 'Upside of Stress', written by Kelly McGonial. Her book became the worldwide best seller, and I saw Japanese translation of this book in the bookstore nearby, an…
21/01/21 14:47 素人大学生 さん
t is paraphrased as 'the insight/conclusion induced from any sort of reasoning, irrelevant to the knowledge or experience', then it can be articulated that I relied too much on a priori and underestim…
21/01/20 11:18 忍 さん
for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 02/01下記…
21/01/19 13:59 やだぽてと さん
可的通知。感谢您的理解。* 我正在使用翻译器。 Regarding the use of iconsUntil now, we have allowed creative paintings, but we will no longer be able to use them for all paintings.…
21/01/16 04:12 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
ナスがもれなくもらえる! #ファミマのアプリでおトク #ファミマ @famima_now https://t.co/yvCo7iNfp9 01-15 12:42 仕立券は謙信さんのと交換した。決め手はど…
21/01/13 20:30 sohko3 さん
うな光を反射していて湖のようで綺麗です。 こっちは昨日飲んだ鶴丸の方(どっちの画像使うか迷ったので2枚ある)。ファミリーマート@famima_now…