15/03/12 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20150227_1c @Krita_Painting #krita
Hold the Knees (redraw/color)(Krita)続きを読む >>…
15/03/11 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20150227_1g @Krita_Painting #krita
Hold the Knees (redraw)(Krita)続きを読む >>…
15/03/03 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
丸くなる (redraw/color)(CELSYS CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX)…
15/03/02 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
丸くなる (redraw)(CELSYS CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX)久しぶりにCLIP STUDIO PAINTを使ったら描きやすかった。さすがに無料のアプリとは違うな。…
14/12/24 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
トゥクタミシェワ・マトリョーシカ Туктамышева Матрёшка (redraw/color)(Magic ラッション Pen No.300 / Adobe Illustrator)思わず清書しちゃった。…
14/08/19 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
REUNION展2014 出品作品05 サバヲくん(2014 Redraw)
12/09/03 00:32 kouotsu さん
adriofthedead: meximeximan: pettyartist: delano-laramie: also...
hat you draw at least as well as the person whom your are lecturing.”What a douchenozzle. Your redraw blew the original outta the water.fsaf;ldsjafchristopher hart needs to stopoh my godi didn’t t…
12/04/26 17:21 kouotsu さん
gonna redraw this as yayoi LIVE...
gonna redraw this as yayoi LIVE http://www.livestream.com/kouotsu…
12/04/25 03:55 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
e illustration so I am holding off on it till the client decides how he wants it. I also have to redraw the face a little also. I wanted the hair to look flowing, shiny but has some weight to it, t he…