14/06/27 10:28 walter さん
12/10/15 18:07 yudough さん
prostheticknowledge: Calligraphy robot uses a Motion Copy...
bot uses a Motion Copy System to reproduce detailed brushwork A week ago I posted the news of a robotic system that can record the brushwork input of calligraphy and technically reproduce it as well …
12/06/24 18:35 kouotsu さん
padnote: gosh, the animation in this really did become so robotic and lifeless :( come on...
padnote:gosh, the animation in this really did become so robotic and lifeless:( come on it’s one thing to do this for an ep but not an opening you’re gonna see every time…lol…
12/05/17 08:49 雅遥 さん
ght Controlled Robotic Arm For Paralyzed PatientsThe journal Nature reports on a science fiction style jump in technology, where an interface on the brain is used to connect to a robotic arm and provi…
12/03/30 12:01 はるか さん
段「ROBOTICS;NOTES ロボティクスノーツ」のアニメ化決定です!スペシャルゲスト志倉千代丸さんが登場!配信はhttp://t.co/1TQAQQ98から。#noitamina #Robotic ...…