12/04/30 11:43 みずいろテクノ さん
skyblue_techno: 大曲→盛岡(E326-22 こまち96号仙台行き) #ST_Now
skyblue_techno: 大曲→盛岡(E326-22 こまち96号仙台行き) #ST_Now…
12/04/30 10:41 mandi さん
mandimandi: @ringo__tan you are famous now! :D
mandimandi: @ringo__tan you are famous now! :D…
12/04/28 05:39 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
ust wanted to get out of the house. J think I mean outside of myself. I had a drink and a half and now cursing though the side effects. I asked the question why do people drink to my friend Jim, his r…
12/04/27 19:55 kouotsu さん
took a break, now I’m back on and finishing up this...
took a break, now I’m back on and finishing up this texture work!!http://www.livestream.com/kouotsu…
12/04/27 00:29 kouotsu さん
sirkowski: noxi: copesetic: chombiecho: sirkowski: Bitch,...
e.what a jokestealing a mike is against the law.the way she say said “shoved me out of the way” is just….. LOLShe now has PTSD.I was hoping so hard that at the end of this report he did it again…
12/04/26 21:31 mandi さん
mandimandi: i realize now i should have put some other size reference besides my babby hands in those pics... lol. the plate is mini size too.…
12/04/26 04:37 みことっくす さん
mktx: Now Browsing: 3ToheiLog: ボケとツッコミのイノベータ理論 - http://t.co/Q1C2g9G5
mktx: Now Browsing: 3ToheiLog: ボケとツッコミのイノベータ理論 - http://t.co/Q1C2g9G5…
12/04/26 03:49 みことっくす さん
mktx: Now Browsing: Twitter のフォロワーさんが立ち上げたサービス「Collectle(コレクトル)」が余りにも話題になってないので紹介するよ | http://t.co/UIfNxzG…
12/04/25 22:42 やまきゅう/ycums さん
UVER「迷ってる暇なんて無ぇぞクララ!立ち上がるその時は今だ!Time is now!」 RAD「君が立てるかどうかなんて そんなの些細な問題なんだよ 僕の…
12/04/25 21:27 kouotsu さん
livestreamin 3D texturing now http://www.livestream.com/kouotsu
livestreamin 3D texturing now http://www.livestream.com/kouotsu…
12/04/25 15:15 Esca さん
UVER「迷ってる暇なんて無ぇぞクララ!立ち上がるその時は今だ!Time is now!」 RAD「君が立てるかどうかなんて そんなの些細な問題なんだよ 僕の…
12/04/25 12:31 kouotsu さん
I don’t work very hard! I have only made a hanful of models in the 3 years I’ve worked with 3D. I am really planning to buckle down and get productive now though! Should be streaming again today.…
12/04/25 11:48 kouotsu さん
fargalex: Sweet Berry Wine! Been working on this model for a...
fargalex:Sweet Berry Wine!Been working on this model for a while now in Blender.good, good…
12/04/24 17:42 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
tomizing clothing. I told them about how exciting it would be to do denim jackets with airbrushing now I am sitting here roughing up a jacket with a razor blade and this thought suddenly came to me.Aw…
12/04/24 11:05 真木環 さん
tamaki_mak: Now Playing: "キラキラkawaii! プリキュア大集合♪~いのちの花~" from "映画 プリキュアオールスターズDX3 未来にとどけ! 世界をつなぐ☆虹色の花 …
12/04/23 20:45 kouotsu さん
yeah apparently japs use the term aspie as well now…
12/04/23 17:51 kouotsu さん
personasama: Ms. Fortune’s intro animation. A little anecdote...
ked cuter. Alex liked the look of that and then further redesigned Fortune, creating how she looks now.One potential design that almost made it was Ms. Fortune always wearing the trenchcoat, just with…
12/04/23 12:01 みことっくす さん
mktx: 5月11日からか Now Browsing: アドビ システムズがデザイン・開発向けソフト製品群『CS6』とサブスクリプション形式のクラウドサービス『Creative Clou…
12/04/22 21:14 kouotsu さん
swaetshrit: animeclay: By now I have most likely shared...
swaetshrit:animeclay:By now I have most likely shared plenty of artists that most people would consider strange. However, none of them are all that strange to me, and none of them bother me …