12/08/24 10:11 創藝屋 さん
(最終日~17:00)会場:武蔵野美術学園内 3号館1階 Musabi Art Gallery武蔵野美術学園http://www.musabi.ac.jp/gakuen/住所〒180-8566 東京都武蔵野市吉祥…
12/08/23 00:00 山崎浩 さん
●創作まんが同人誌即売会MGM(Manga Gallery & Market)99.5 http://mgm-stuffroom.droppages.com/ 開催日:2012年9月1日(土) 15:00〜19:30 会場:板橋区立グリーンホール1階…
12/08/21 16:44 kouotsu さん
courteous anime galleria: People that act as if they're serious artists
eir lack of skill and praise are fucking pathetic.Sorry but I can’t take you seriously if your gallery is full of the same shit over…I wish I knew who this person is because I want to personally t…
12/08/21 15:05 kouotsu さん
People that act as if they're serious artists
eir lack of skill and praise are fucking pathetic.Sorry but I can’t take you seriously if your gallery is full of the same shit over and over, floating in blank space. No visible attempts at any sor…
12/08/19 18:16 篁 有佳 さん
12/08/19 01:22 柚麻 あんな さん
12/08/15 04:41 y.m さん
先日京都 新風館2階 Track market gallery にて開催されている<o mi Yah!> に立松功至さんが作品を出展されているとのことであそびにいってまいりまし…
12/08/12 16:15 kouotsu さん
noxi: respondr1: noxi: Sorry, I hate to reblog this and stuff...
12/08/12 11:31 三枝みずき さん
12/08/08 15:11 黒兎 さん
I had to scrap my trap doujin….well, cover and all the...
ng H stuffs. I really wanted to post R18 things in my gallery but what was holding me back was that I knew people/artists are looking at my gallery and will look down on me. I’ll try not to think ab…