12/03/15 10:22 ペッパー さん
patyakuri: スタジオグーダ!(Studio Gooda!): 宇宙との対話V7-39 思考とは? What is Thinking? http://t.co/sSJsdnkN
ーダ!(Studio Gooda!): 宇宙との対話V7-39 思考とは? What is Thinking? http://t.co/sSJsdnkN…
12/03/15 10:21 ペッパー さん
patyakuri: 『宇宙との対話V7-39 思考とは? What is Thinking?』スタジオグーダ!(Studio Goo…|http://t.co/DGcfVTC5
patyakuri: 『宇宙との対話V7-39 思考とは? What is Thinking?』スタジオグーダ!(Studio Goo…|http://t.co/DGcfVTC5…
12/03/13 18:15 YuK さん
loth bag.I purchased Covered Bridge Potato Chips while back and kept the bag for very long time thinking what I should do with it.I never want to throw away gift wraps, ribbons, cloth bags and such bu…
12/03/07 07:45 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
This isn't so hard once I start thinking. I waa caught on a certain detail that does not exist.…
08/02/25 15:25 恭介 さん
たら、ブログでお知らせします。今月いっぱい悩もうかな・・・。(I'm thinking about my site.Should I close my site,or cancelthe server,or keep only blog to update? It is very…