18/01/01 13:44 さと さん
珀色の雨にぬれて」観劇29. 打ち合わせ30. 打ち合わせと宝塚月組「All for One」観劇去年の夏は早めに終わって涼しくなったので、雪組の琥珀色観劇か…
17/12/30 08:27 Robin96 さん
CUPHEAD RAP《カップヘッド・ラップ》JT Music
of this, I'm an itty bitty Cupheadちびちび飲めよ、オレはちびちびカップヘッド*1One sentence in, I've already made a pun - yepぶっちゃけ、オレって語呂合わせで作ら…
17/12/29 23:13 ノワール さん
OTz5posted at 23:07:43RT @neoamakusa: 喫煙者の社員130人→2年で全員卒煙。漫画「ONE PIECE」のノリで達成した会社の戦略 m.huffingtonpost.jp/2017/12/27/nos… 馬鹿かよ…
17/12/27 22:49 ノワール さん
みた - 少年ジャンプ+α shonenjumpplus.com/article/entry/…posted at 19:43:39[163回]れっつ!ハイキュー!? - レツ | 少年ジャンプ+ shonenjumpplus.com/episode/139320…posted…
17/12/24 17:01 ドール さん
17/12/21 21:00 神城ゆみ さん
17/12/20 18:21 沢風南 さん
)市川春子☆愛の仮晶 市川春子イラストレーションブック☆ONE PIECE総集編 26TH LOG☆ZONE‐00(15)九条キヨ☆百姓貴族(5)荒川弘☆Perfume Clips 2(DVD…
17/12/18 23:20 YuK さん
it for this Christmas.We would like to take our time to find ornaments that we like to hang, maybe one ornament each person, each year.So because we don't have that many ornaments to start with, we de…
17/12/18 11:54 素人大学生 さん
Government needs to invest in AI/IoT to rescue the aging society.
on to this demographic reduction issue, we need to utilize engineering skills, which many old-fashioned Japanese entrepreneurs regard it as non-sequitur. In order to realize this the government needs …
17/12/16 01:04 ここのつ さん
17/12/15 04:03 素人大学生 さん
l freedom is always threatened and violated by so many private organizations or governments.  One notable example in Japan is Hase-Cara incident, kind of cyber-bullying social phenomenon occurred…
17/12/13 21:49 南瓜汁したたり さん
'm Alive』 ・田村ゆかり 『14秒後にKISSして❤』 ・小倉唯 『HONEY COME!!』 ・ALL OFF 『One More Chance!!』 ・ALL OFF 『Never Gave Up』 ・ALL OFF 『リフレイン…
17/12/11 05:42 素人大学生 さん
What is SOLID principle? Explained with the Ruby Example
mple using Ruby code.Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)SRP means a single class has to have only one reason to change. This means a class needs to be clear such that what it does and what it is resp…
17/12/08 15:57 Hiropon さん
lonelycigs: ― Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...
lonelycigs:― Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)“Please just let me keep this memory, just this one…”…