17/01/25 00:40 Hiropon さん
yogvrt: when i was like 14, i once wore contact lenses instead of glasses to school bc i had just...
his crush, mind u) hears him and turns around with the most disgusted expression on her face, and calls him out on it like “omg i cant believe you said that have you even seen yourself in a mirror …
17/01/25 00:25 Hiropon さん
toiletoftheworld: lynnryates: xionin: loudman1: gasparo73: The...
toiletoftheworld:lynnryates:xionin:loudman1:gasparo73:The most “says it all” illustration I’ve seen all year.PReblog the hell out of it, then. Notes for daaaaaaays.again, because censorship suck…
17/01/24 18:30 黒翼猫 さん
RAID 6 と RAID 7のローカル解釈について調べてみた
ifferent types of RAIDRAID7 is a registered trademark of Storage Computer Corporation, and is basically RAID3 with an embedded operating system in the controller to manage the data and cache to speed …
17/01/24 15:49 Lstfazz さん
1/35 Hobby Boss 美國重戰車 T29E1 Work I 開箱報告
上不知道為什麼有不同的對位卡榫說明書的指示要先切掉不用的卡榫本來有all in 1的設計嗎...(想起說好的雙砲塔)繼續組車台...但時間來不及了先來把砲…
17/01/22 09:48 Hiropon さん
larkkspurs: “declare me a god and crucify me.” one of my all...
larkkspurs:“declare me a god and crucify me.”one of my all time favorite characters– lucifer from the wicked and the divine!…
17/01/19 16:56 Hiropon さん
mann, hype me tf up so i can confess to my crush that I've caught those damn Feelings™!!
just do it because if they reject you it’s like! whatever. you gave it your all. there’s a billions of other people in the world…
17/01/18 00:16 かやは さん
17/01/15 00:26 よた さん
UNDERTALE ALL STAR ANIMATION - by Jukeboxという動画を偶然見まして。(※ネタバレ要素があるので閲覧注意なのですが、わたしは感嘆と興味のほうが勝った)…
17/01/14 11:20 Eimelle さん
いいねをいただきまして感謝感激の正月休みでした。 マシュちゃんって色々な服似合うんじゃない ... Copyright © 2019 にくきゅうBlog All Rights Reserved.…
17/01/13 21:54 A'z さん
!ゲットゴー!覚悟!ギ・ザ・ギ・ザ!ゴースト!「Fire! All Engines!!」「今の俺はベルトさんと心が一つ、体はトライドロンそのもの…
17/01/13 16:02 A333 さん
“Some days I can’t even trust...
“Some days I can’t even trust myself”“Don’t listen to a word I say”“The screams all sound the same”-Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks…
17/01/13 13:06 Hiropon さん
bagginshield: The wide world is all about you: you can fence...
bagginshield:The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.…
17/01/13 11:51 Hiropon さん
thingsinlifeyoujustdo: All that pain and miserry and...
thingsinlifeyoujustdo:All that pain and miserry and loneliness… and it just made him kind.…
17/01/10 18:11 nagisan さん
せた疑いが持たれている。http://www.nikkansports.com/m/general/news/1763354_m.html?mode=all おいらは朴氏は「進撃の巨人」立ち上げメンバーの一人としてしか…
17/01/09 22:41 南瓜汁したたり さん
ッピースター』 ・小林太郎 『Armour Zone』 ・ALL OFF 『One More Chance!!』 ・ALL OFF 『Never Gave Up』 ・ALL OFF 『リフレインボーイ』 ・Carved Kinship 『Savag…
17/01/09 02:57 YuK さん
lar paper with sketch of image)- Pencil- Scotch tape1. Use a pencil to color in the design.2. When all the design is covered with pencil lead, flip the paper on the back of the planner's back side.Use…
17/01/08 02:39 ChouIsamu さん
る2本の記事「Say goodbye to the MS-DOS command prompt」「Follow-up: MS-DOS lives on after all」に反論するものだ。この記事はBusiness InsiderやLifehackerなどでも取り上げ…
17/01/07 22:14 Hiropon さん
Things to start doing in 2017:
out explanation• stop apologizing for my feelings• don’t expect everyone to be there for you all the time• don’t do things I don’t wanna do• get out of my comfort zone• stop believing …
17/01/07 22:07 Hiropon さん
luciddreamsxo: drinkspill: 2017 better be nice to my mom That’s all I hope for
luciddreamsxo:drinkspill:2017 better be nice to my momThat’s all I hope for…