14/12/01 19:12 kouotsu さん
gaikudo: metalslugxx: didn’t 4chan create some shitty anime girl or was that some sort of...
girl or was that some sort of horrifying fever dreamdo you mean THE shitty anime girl that was supposed to be everything that could be seen as moe put together into a collective beast know as moetron…
14/11/27 01:27 紅咲亜璃雛 さん
14/11/26 19:32 おもおもも さん
S フル覚フルマナ・雷 クリスタ S・火 イーシェン S フル覚フルマナ【AS大幅回復SS完全回復】・水 ベルナデッタ S フル覚フルマナ・雷 フェルチ…
14/11/26 03:43 晶山嵐子 さん
。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− たとえば rather as A どちらかというとAとして が覚えられないとする。続きを読む >>…
14/11/23 03:05 みやぎ さん
miyagi_asa @kurocp 11月上旬から全く加筆してないのでむしろ進んでないのです。元の絵から口の走ちょっと削るだけでだいぶ表情かわりました。色は…
14/11/16 03:03 R^3 さん
@ringooooooooooz: 女子の思考回路がわからない http://t.co/CWPo8zCPz3 11-15 22:44 RT @as_chisei: 明日11/16は秋葉原UDXアキバ・スクエアで開催の「デジゲー博 2014」…
14/11/14 09:11 だこつ さん
vintagehenshin: ULTRAMAN LEO is now available on Crunchyroll by...
ing arcs in Ultra Series history. It went down as being one of the most violent, action-packed, and downright insane entries in the series. There’s a reason I refer to it and Taro as “The Duology …
14/11/11 14:59 scarecrowbone さん
/31 同人誌の台詞入れについて教えてもらった事メモ http://t.co/kxdXmsP5aS 02:23:25RT @sasakikeiji: カップルのケンカに「ファンネル!」を加えると突然会話が…
14/11/10 21:54 セツリ さん
RT @tab_as: [TwiPla] 【11/15】カイジ×人狼@東京【残席4名】 twipla.jp/events/116864 fkmtクラスタさんじゃなくてもOKなようですよposted at 00:24:10[TwiPla] 【11/15】…
14/11/10 18:46 大野兼伴長明 さん
14/11/10 03:36 YuK さん
dea to make "Connect the Dots" costume based from kid's activity of connect the dots pictures. I thought it was cute idea and it's good for people who needs last minute costumes.All you need is cardbo…
14/11/08 17:47 ユイチ さん
14/11/07 22:02 大野兼伴長明 さん
りますからね。と言うことで、こんなん買っちゃいました。 SONYのHDR-AS100Vという、ちっこいけれど手ぶれ補正がしっかり効いて画角120°とかで撮…
14/11/04 19:56 kouotsu さん
haha thanks, the socks are just the same mesh as the legs!…
14/11/04 08:30 黒翼猫 さん
How to localize Windows 2000 Extended Kernel ?
the way to localize Extended Kernel.1. You should get lastest original Windows 2000 DLLs as you can.2. Check the Base Address.3. Change the base address of Japanese version or English version dlls to…
14/11/03 12:13 だこつ さん
zaiga: odditiesoflife: The Ancient Town of Fenghuang,...
well-preserved and relatively untouched by modern urbanization.The legacy of the Ming And Qing dynasties are preserved within the town, spanning 300 years of ancient heritage. In the ancient town zon…
14/11/03 05:22 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
really want to do a geometric background but this piece wasn't planned too well so I just go with my gut instinct. The layering may go as followed, Gloss black, Solid Grey tone, maybe a dot tone…
14/11/03 05:22 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
really want to do a geometric background but this piece wasn't planned too well so I just go with my gut instinct. The layering may go as followed, Gloss black, Solid Grey tone, maybe a dot tone…