18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
user roles for your teamAuthorsThe base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can write posts, edit their own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you don't trust use…
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
Sometimes you might want to put your site behind closed doorsIf you've got a publication that you don't want the world to see yet because it's not ready to launch, you can hide your Ghost site behind …
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
ul things you can do with the Ghost editorIf you've gotten pretty comfortable with all the basics of writing in Ghost, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about the types of things you can do w…
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
Setting up your own Ghost theme
ating a totally custom design for your publicationGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for m…
18/10/11 13:48 ぎむれっと さん
Basic principles of responsive web design
own, it’s called the flow. That might be tricky to grasp if you are used to design with pixels and points, but makes total sense when you get used to it. Relative units The canvas can be a de…
18/10/11 13:36 ぎむれっと さん
A model is only as good as its story
the organisation.So how do you turn a beautifully complex model into a compelling story? 1. Buffer for assumptions and variances If you haven’t built the model yourself, its well worth inves…
18/10/11 13:33 ぎむれっと さん
s aim is to find the truth about the client, the user, and the internet, the truth is best communicated through beauty, to find the truth about your medium you have to forge a deep connection to it …
18/10/11 13:17 ぎむれっと さん
A brief history of the numeric keypad
of a telephone and calculator side by side. Can you see the subtle difference between the two without resorting to your smartphone? Don’t worry if you can’t recall the design. Most of us are so us…
18/10/09 00:00 螺時 さん
10/6(土)発売! #geassp https:/… Posted at 10:17 AM RT @Fmato14: 【FF14】「You're the Only Outsider」君だけ部外者事件、海外掲示板でも話題に - えふまと! https://…
18/10/07 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
【ネタ】Windows 10って手抜きOSじゃないですか!その109 / 圧縮フォルダの上書き確認機能が無いことが発覚
ビルド18262・19H1でバグが修正されてるのでそれを入れる。必要があるようです。If you copy files from a .ZIP file without extracting them, they might - Microsoft Community…
18/10/07 01:19 かづら さん
Are people allowed to use your art to make icons with credit to you of course?
sorry for my late reply!I did not and will not give a permission to anyone to use my works…sorry.
18/10/07 01:19 かづら さん
Are people allowed to use your art to make icons with credit to you of course?
sorry for my late reply!I did not and will not give a permission to anyone to use my works…sorry.
18/10/05 12:33 Robin96 さん
と短い(Scat)The hi-de-ho man, that's meハイディホー・マンとは俺のことHow'd you like to blow your topDig yourself some fine ree-bopHi-de-hi, he-de-heOh, the hi-de-ho man, that's me...…
18/10/05 09:49 Hiropon さん
intergalactic-dorks: intergalactic-dorks: Its nice that we get to die someday. Imagine being...
dorks:Its nice that we get to die someday. Imagine being immortal and suddenly you remember all the emberassing things you did in the last 2000 years. HorribleMe, as a vampire: oh geezFriend: What’s…
18/10/04 04:06 不二式 さん
とすると詰め込みすぎ。知らない機能は暇な時試せばいい 10-03 10:43 RT @you629: デジタルでお絵描き初心者に1番伝えたいのは「沢山の機能を覚えたり…
18/10/03 22:33 ユキチ さん
18/10/02 21:00 そうたつ さん
【物語】There is no one standing there.
There is no one standing there.Only you can see the scenery from there.You only know its worth.…
18/09/30 20:40 ユミヤシ さん
【Arduino Pro mini】LEDの光量をゆっくり変化させよう
nt pin_09 = 9;int pin_10 = 10;int pin_11 = 11;int pin_13 = 13;// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the boardvoid setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.…
18/09/28 04:01 R^3 さん
? 09-27 15:45 RT @yuyP_: 一番笑った1ページ目 http://t.co/odAGv1k4rt 09-27 15:32 RT @you629: さっきの記事、年齢分クリックする必要があるっていうところでフフ…
18/09/27 04:14 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
.寄越せ... 09-26 21:50 次の別ロマ、夏コミ直後ぐらい? 09-26 20:58 RT @studio_you: [開催決定!]2019年08月18日(日) 会場:東京流通センター(TRC)【Reliable Pa…