15/02/12 02:28 ChouIsamu さん
Seagateの8TB 3.5インチHDDが秋葉原の店頭に並ぶ
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、容量8TBのSeagate製3.5インチHDD「ST8000AS0002」が国内発売された。販売価格は3万円台後半程度のようだ(AKIBA PC Hotline!、価格.com)…
15/02/09 23:29 kouotsu さん
Here is the sketch I was going to use as my submission to...
Here is the sketch I was going to use as my submission to Udon’s Capcom Fighting Tribute. In the end I chose to spend my weekend on other art (original character sculpt I started the other day) and …
15/02/09 22:01 ドール さん
【PC】3DMarkを再びやってみた -2015.02.09-
結果です。【PC構成】①M/B ASRock 990FX Extreme4②CPU FX-8350@4.3GHz(但し省電力機能有り)③メモリ AMD AP38G1869U2K (DDR3-1866 CL9 1.5V 4GBx2)…
15/02/09 02:47 YuK さん
lentine cards at Hallmark, Papyrus to see so many cute design out there. It's not good as those cards but need last minute Valentine card? Here is ready to print card I made. Print out this card on 8.…
15/02/08 22:24 kouotsu さん
I was late to the rival schools world, the first time I played was a Project Justice arcade machine that I found in Tennessee of all places! I played it a while in 2006 or so and have only played it a…
15/02/08 05:01 明日武 さん
asumu99asumu99さんの脳内は「逃」35% ポイント:165pt ランキング:124607位 http://t.co/OWxq3ttOEg #twimaker02/08 02:43asumu99最初のウルトラマンやウルトラQって、そう…
15/02/07 20:34 卯匡 さん
15/02/07 02:32 ChouIsamu さん
本家/.「Washington May Count CS As Foreign Language For College Admission」より米ワシントン州で4日、「2年間のコンピューターサイエンス科目履修を4年制大学の入…
15/02/04 03:15 SILVA さん
15/02/02 18:30 黒翼猫 さん
かったWhy is Norton not participating in AV Comparatives testing? | Norton CommunitySymantec has long been an advocate of independent “whole product” or “real-world” tests that most closely…
15/02/01 10:41 だこつ さん
preservearchives:Behind the scenes: Microfilm repair and...
is developed as it passes through a heat chamber (on left) and then to the UV light (on right). See our next posts for video clips showing two very useful tools we use in action: an ultrasonic film sp…
15/01/24 17:03 ドール さん
【PC】NVIDIAでTressFXをONにすると・・・・・ -2015.01.24-
付けできません。すいません。【プレイしたマシンスペック】①M/B ASRock 990FX Extreme4②CPU FX-8350@4.3GHz(但し省電力機能有り)③メモ…
15/01/24 10:27 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
ow if I'll get to show it...whatever I can show it at the shop. Whether 10 people see it or not.I was reading about the porn star that hangs with David Choe. She's 29, I am 27 going on 28 this year. A…
15/01/24 10:27 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
ow if I'll get to show it...whatever I can show it at the shop. Whether 10 people see it or not.I was reading about the porn star that hangs with David Choe. She's 29, I am 27 going on 28 this year. A…
15/01/23 11:06 ChouIsamu さん
は今から11年半前、15歳の時に4chanを立ち上げたとのこと。引退の理由は「As 4chan's sole administrator, decision maker, and keeper of most of its institutional knowledge, I'v…
15/01/22 14:59 amt さん
underthedogpr: Hey backers of anime! We apologize for the silence. Things needed to be transitioned as the creative team takes over. ht…16:27:22, 2015-01-22続報きたか。CIAさんからキネマ…
15/01/21 23:21 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
rules, and I personally didn't get your $10, but it was all spelled out clearly before you submitted.Again (since it feels like I'm coming across as cranky responding to your complaints), I really app…