14/11/13 05:48 WINGNINE さん
14/11/10 04:04 WINGNINE さん
14/11/09 16:51 ogashu さん
AIRFIX 1/72 ノースアメリカン F-86F セイバー
MiG 15の完成後、やはりライバル機のF-86Fも同スケールで欲しくなり、原型製作の合間に標記のキットを製作しました。【キットについて】パーツの…
14/11/09 08:43 WINGNINE さん
ます(地上でもかまいません)F-5E SN LV.10は威力SでMIG-29が1撃なので赤でもいいですが、通常のターゲットを2機同時…
14/11/05 00:55 WINGNINE さん
14/10/25 23:26 WINGNINE さん
14/10/20 17:19 WINGNINE さん
う。・・・追記 オンライン共同戦線をこのセットでやってみましたが、MIG-29とか橙ターゲットを通常ミサイル1発で落とせないので、弾頭Mを搭載…
14/10/10 00:36 WINGNINE さん
14/10/03 23:33 単3 さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …
14/10/03 23:33 オーシー さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …
14/10/03 23:33 桃内 さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …
14/10/03 23:33 ミドリフグ さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …
14/10/03 23:33 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …
14/10/03 23:33 okifuji さん
and sanding.Used lot of spare stencil decals from B2 stealth bomber in 1/144 and some custom-printed logos to make them more realistical. As usual, colour modulation with Vallejo paints, Mig washes. …