13/06/15 23:43 桃内 さん
13/06/15 23:43 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
13/06/11 23:18 kaito さん
13/06/11 10:57 kouotsu さん
Thanks!! I model everything in 3dsMax. Sometimes I use a program like 3D Coat to paint the textures but most of the time I just stick to Photoshop. Blender is definitely more than capable of doing eve…
13/06/11 00:26 kouotsu さん
Hmm there’s really not much along the line of guidelines. I will do humans or anthro or animals o...
13/06/10 23:53 kouotsu さん
People seem to be interested in low poly 3D commissions, so I am...
tional animations will start at $10 each.I cannot stress to you how cheap this is for a custom 3D model! Because these are so cheap they are NOT for commercial use. You may use them in non-profit proj…
13/06/10 23:53 kouotsu さん
EDIT: Wow I got so much interest so quickly! I’m closing...
tional animations will start at $10 each.I cannot stress to you how cheap this is for a custom 3D model! Because these are so cheap they are NOT for commercial use. You may use them in non-profit proj…
13/06/10 12:26 口枷屋モイラ さん
がデブ可愛すぎる!】 http://t.co/HCMUC9FbIg6/3 13:14画像: PHOTO:中島圭一郎|MODEL:MOIRA|2013 http://t.co/K91tydOcFc6/3 13:35ゆ、油膜…【なんという荘厳な室内!!…
13/06/03 12:27 口枷屋モイラ さん
口枷屋モイラさんの投稿したなう画像: PHOTO:Takayasu Fukuda|MODEL:MOIRA|2010 http://t.co/yRaniYJgDG5/27 12:49こまのりさん、有難うございまーす!【『少女ロイ…
13/05/29 19:29 オーシー さん
日本機らしからぬ双胴エンテ型の試作機、満飛のキ98塗色は黒サフからタミヤ シルバーメタル、Mr.カラー...
13/05/29 19:29 okifuji さん
日本機らしからぬ双胴エンテ型の試作機、満飛のキ98塗色は黒サフからタミヤ シルバーメタル、Mr.カラー...
13/05/29 19:29 ミドリフグ さん
日本機らしからぬ双胴エンテ型の試作機、満飛のキ98塗色は黒サフからタミヤ シルバーメタル、Mr.カラー...
13/05/29 19:29 桃内 さん
日本機らしからぬ双胴エンテ型の試作機、満飛のキ98塗色は黒サフからタミヤ シルバーメタル、Mr.カラー...
13/05/29 19:29 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
日本機らしからぬ双胴エンテ型の試作機、満飛のキ98塗色は黒サフからタミヤ シルバーメタル、Mr.カラー...
13/05/29 18:40 TeraTaron さん
Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”SwordsWoman”
Welcome to my HP . Enjoy your stay!I want to tell you my Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”SwordsWoman” .CHARACTER:SwordsWoman with a large is a warrior of Elf .You feel she is in a daze, but …
13/05/29 11:35 TeraTaron さん
Original Resin Model Garage Kit”Gear wheel girl”
Welcome to my HP . Enjoy your stay!I want to tell you my Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”Gear wheel girl” .CHARACTER:"Gear wheel girl" is a princess of the ruined country.Dressing …
13/05/29 09:25 TeraTaron さん
Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”Nekomimi Hood”
Welcome to my HP . Enjoy your stay!I want to tell you my Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”Nekomimi Hood” .CHARACTER:"Nekomimi Hood" is cheerful girl!!.Wearing a winged backpack, she…
13/05/28 11:47 TeraTaron さん
Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”Delia”
Welcome to my HP . Enjoy your stay!I want to tell you my Original Resin Model Garage Kit ”Delia” .CHARACTER:"Delia" is the character with sleepy eyes.Eating a steamed meat bun ,she …
13/05/28 08:25 okifuji さん
13/05/28 08:25 オーシー さん