15/04/01 09:00 時操 さん
isguise on Halloween any more.This, also, novel feeling. A very beautiful elder brother with the color came across it, too. I had the hair which looks like a very fashionable blue mop. Is that dyed, …
15/03/31 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20150317_3c #medibang #cloudalpaca
深夜の帰宅 (color)(MediBang! CloudAlpaca)CloudAlpacaは塗りもできる。Kritaに比べて圧倒的にブラシが少ないが、どうせそんなに使いこなせなてないので充分。…
15/03/30 08:24 わたるん さん
ベント春コミにて配布した新刊「white color」のほうがDLsiteのほうで登録完了したのでお知らせです!white color【作品内容】「高校生になって一人暮ら…
15/03/28 03:29 雨泉洋悠 さん
d_AIRain RT @sub_color: 母「あんまり人殺したりするアニメ見ないで!現実との区別がつかなくなって本当に人殺しになりそうで心配!」僕「大丈夫!女…
15/03/23 17:55 kouotsu さん
s which has led me to have a total of 1 original characters currently, and I still don’t have a color scheme or name for her. I guess in general I am aware of my weaknesses to a fault. I’m slowly …
15/03/23 01:39 YuK さん
can decorate your ceiling fans with a touch of color on the tip. When I turn on the fan, it reminds me of propeller that I tend to be amused by the color and designVery simple process, just dip the en…
15/03/20 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
15/03/14 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20150227_2c #BuildWithForge #adonit #forge #jottouch
静聴 (color)(Forge by Adonit)無料のお絵描きアプリForgeを使ってみたが、ちょっと不満。レイヤーが5枚まで。透過しない塗りツールが鉛筆とエアブラシ…
15/03/12 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20150227_1c @Krita_Painting #krita
Hold the Knees (redraw/color)(Krita)続きを読む >>…
15/03/09 18:05 Yui さん
his favorite books.Brain is made of SuperSculpey and I wanted it to look more like natural brain color instead of anime orange brains in yellow liquid.Hope you like it.animated gif – https://lh…
15/03/09 18:05 しあんぷりん さん
his favorite books.Brain is made of SuperSculpey and I wanted it to look more like natural brain color instead of anime orange brains in yellow liquid.Hope you like it.animated gif – https://lh…
15/03/09 18:05 yasu1100r さん
his favorite books.Brain is made of SuperSculpey and I wanted it to look more like natural brain color instead of anime orange brains in yellow liquid.Hope you like it.animated gif – https://lh…
15/03/09 18:05 生ハッハ 鮎 さん
his favorite books.Brain is made of SuperSculpey and I wanted it to look more like natural brain color instead of anime orange brains in yellow liquid.Hope you like it.animated gif – https://lh…
15/03/09 18:05 okifuji さん
his favorite books.Brain is made of SuperSculpey and I wanted it to look more like natural brain color instead of anime orange brains in yellow liquid.Hope you like it.animated gif – https://lh…