18/10/12 03:50 晶山嵐子 さん
15:32 RT @ameba_official: #叶姉妹 の #叶美香 さんが、漫画『ONE PIECE』の #ボア・ハンコック のコスプレ姿を披露??????????「まだ完成してお…
18/10/11 20:45 南瓜汁したたり さん
en 『I'm Alive』 ・鈴木このみ 『歌えばそこに君がいるから』 ・ALL OFF 『One More Chance!!』 ・ALL OFF 『Never Gave Up』 ・ALL OFF 『リフレインボーイ』 …
18/10/11 13:48 ぎむれっと さん
Basic principles of responsive web design
principles of responsive web design. The post was extremely popular. It turns we were not the only ones who find it difficult to explain what makes the web responsive. Today we are releasing a video, …
18/10/11 13:44 ぎむれっと さん
The ultimate guide to proper use of animation
is article I won’t write anything new, I just want to collect all the main principles & rules in one place, so that other designers who want to start animating interfaces don’t have to search for …
18/10/11 13:36 ぎむれっと さん
A model is only as good as its story
Purpose and need Opportunity costs (of choosing one initiative of another) Risk mitigation …
18/10/11 13:33 ぎむれっと さん
e is studying designers in the wild like an anthropologist would study an unknown tribe in Africa. One of the subjects of his research is the design process. I always found this an interesting topic a…
18/10/11 13:17 ぎむれっと さん
A brief history of the numeric keypad
Picture the keypad of a telephone and calculator side by side. Can you see the subtle difference between the two without resorting to your smartphone? Don’t worry if you can’t recall the des…
18/10/05 04:11 肉弾丸 さん
2018 ワンピース部分でナミを作りました! したいことをしたので、楽しんでいただけますようお願いいたします^^https://t.co/AzpjLk0Ibj#BWFC #ワンピース #ナ…
18/10/02 21:00 そうたつ さん
【物語】There is no one standing there.
There is no one standing there.Only you can see the scenery from there.You only know its worth.…
18/10/02 04:07 ユカリンコフ@Yukaly さん
Yukaly このワンピ欲しい......!!! 10-01 23:29 RT @rppn1582: 花水木さん(@tw_hanamizuki )にオーダーしていた、クラシカルロリータのワンピースが届きました…
18/09/28 13:33 ISAmu. さん
18/09/27 14:59 amt さん
co/ydBjS2VdsP08:53:19, 2018-09-27そいえばTGSでOculus GO、Lenovo Daydream、Vive Pro、StarVR Oneを1日のうちに試せたんだけど、3DoFか6DoFかは動かずやるコンテンツなら…
18/09/27 04:01 R^3 さん
解禁。大幅な方針転換により、PS4『フォートナイト』をNintendo SwitchやXbox Oneユーザーと遊べるようにhttps://t.co/LjQ5XCU5du https://t.co… 09-26 23:28 ノベルゲ…
18/09/23 15:46 アンコ さん
katescolorings: This marvelous piece was created by @pouro06 . Beautiful work, tons of fun to...
us piece was created by @pouro06 . Beautiful work, tons of fun to color. I wasn’t sure which I liked better so I’m posting both of my results. It was difficult deciding what to do with this one. L…