16/02/02 16:54 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
want to start back into some color work while improving the quality of my tone work...OF COURSE I have injured my laser printer with a paper jam. I'd like to buy a color one anyways. I hate printers.…
16/02/02 16:54 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
want to start back into some color work while improving the quality of my tone work...OF COURSE I have injured my laser printer with a paper jam. I'd like to buy a color one anyways. I hate printers.…
16/02/02 16:54 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
want to start back into some color work while improving the quality of my tone work...OF COURSE I have injured my laser printer with a paper jam. I'd like to buy a color one anyways. I hate printers.…
16/02/02 16:54 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
want to start back into some color work while improving the quality of my tone work...OF COURSE I have injured my laser printer with a paper jam. I'd like to buy a color one anyways. I hate printers.…
16/02/01 15:23 みんへる さん
ot;>別ページ</a>を参照してください。<br /><br /><span style=color:#e00><span style=font-size:larger>新作ドール衣装</span></span><br…
16/01/25 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20160118_1c #corelpainter #painteressentials
"Flowers of Romance (color)(Corel Painter Essentials)…
16/01/22 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20160114_1c #CLIP_Celsys #CLIP_STUDIO
16/01/18 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20160112_1c #corelpainter #painteressentials
Talos1 (color)(Corel Painter Essentials)…
16/01/15 23:19 ぺたん さん
@Yoshiki_N_00: バースデーカラー。永遠の恋人ですって(´>∂`) htmlcss.jp/color/birth.ht… pic.twitter.com/YMzrdY0cMXposted at 00:19:42かいさ~んposted at 00:14:21@sh_0w0…
16/01/12 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20160106_1c #corelpainter #painteressentials
fluid (color)(Corel Painter Essentials 5)樹木希林のオフィーリアの広告を見たせいかしら?続きを読む >>…
16/01/10 20:24 カワウニ さん
<strong><span style=color:#00c>モンスターハンター・ゼロ4</span></strong><br /> <strong>ギルドの旗のもとに</strong><br /><br …
16/01/10 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
らくがき 20160105_1c #CLIP_Celsys #CLIP_STUDIO
Armor 24 (color)(CELSYS CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX 1.5)途中のまま彩色するも、チカラツキマシタ。…
16/01/07 17:02 Liz さん
描くことが増えそう~来月はコンテストも応募します~In progress : Pastel + Color pencil stage うまく参考資料が見つからず、ほとんど全て想像の世界にな…
16/01/06 17:35 Liz さん
ss : Pastel + Color pencil stage 雪を降らせたらなんか、イメージと変わってしまった、、、汗[ You, are you ] あなたは、あなたWatercolor, Pastel, Color pencil, Digit…
16/01/05 00:00 トヨタヤスヒコ さん
The hat: strange shape (color)(MediBang Paint Pro)…