18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you don't trust users to be allowed to publish their own posts, you shouldn't invite them to Ghost admin.EditorsEditors are the 2…
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
ith anyone who needs access to the site while you're working on it. While this setting is enabled, all search engine optimisation features will be switched off to help keep the site off the radar.Do r…
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
th all the basics of writing in Ghost, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about the types of things you can do with Markdown!As with the last post about the editor, you'll want to be actually …
18/10/13 01:44 AYAKI さん
Setting up your own Ghost theme
Creating a totally custom design for your publicationGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted fo…
18/10/11 20:45 南瓜汁したたり さん
鈴木このみ 『歌えばそこに君がいるから』 ・ALL OFF 『One More Chance!!』 ・ALL OFF 『Never Gave Up』 ・ALL OFF 『リフレインボーイ』 ・THE冠 『傷だらけ…
18/10/11 13:44 ぎむれっと さん
The ultimate guide to proper use of animation
t animation, I found out that almost all of them describe only specific use cases or general facts about animation, but I haven’t come across any article where all rules concerning animation of inte…
18/10/11 13:36 ぎむれっと さん
A model is only as good as its story
mechanics — i.e. what are the data sources and how are they applied to produce an output?Ideally, most models should have a buffer in a range where a set of options might sit. A basic modelling…
18/10/11 13:17 ぎむれっと さん
A brief history of the numeric keypad
e difference between the two without resorting to your smartphone? Don’t worry if you can’t recall the design. Most of us are so used to accepting the common interfaces that we tend to overlook th…
18/10/09 14:59 amt さん
るのかな。やり過ぎとは言わずともインターフェイス別物になるか。| The all-new BMW 3 Series. Intelligent Persona… https://t.co/CpkVNgnlHC19:24:30, 2018-10-09ここまで…
18/10/08 17:41 未江 達 さん
18/10/05 09:49 Hiropon さん
intergalactic-dorks: intergalactic-dorks: Its nice that we get to die someday. Imagine being...
lactic-dorks:Its nice that we get to die someday. Imagine being immortal and suddenly you remember all the emberassing things you did in the last 2000 years. HorribleMe, as a vampire: oh geezFriend: W…
18/10/04 02:53 yamatani hobby さん
SCH) Amazon楽天市場エレキット フォロ MR-9107posted with カエレバ イーケイジャパン(EK Japan) Amazon楽天市場Copyright © 2020 山谷ホビー All Rights Reserved.…
18/09/30 18:59 未江 達 さん
18/09/29 23:10 未江 達 さん
18/09/28 07:52 yamatani hobby さん
しいもんね。くもんの日本地図パズルposted with カエレバ くもん出版(KUMON PUBLISHING) 2011-11-17 Amazon楽天市場Copyright © 2020 山谷ホビー All Rights Reserved.…
18/09/28 04:13 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
哉のみ黒塗りされてる。ジャニーズのタレント全部バーチャ… 09-27 12:30 ALL999富士札で亀甲さんは当たりかハズレか... https://t.co/CfiAQKItL4 09-27 10:18 …
18/09/27 23:58 未江 達 さん
とりあえずクライマックスだけ描いて満足する漫画でした。少年漫画は難しいなぁ。でも満足。▲▼▲ 冬の新刊・書店委託してます...
18/09/27 23:58 未江 達 さん
とりあえずクライマックスだけ描いて満足する漫画でした。少年漫画は難しいなぁ。でも満足。▲▼▲ 冬の新刊・書店委託してます...