14/05/30 21:52 クジ さん
The photo’s on a bit of an odd angle lol, but holy wow, I found...
The photo’s on a bit of an odd angle lol, but holy wow, I found this sketch I did maybe back in 2011?? Back when I was really into FMA. I never finished it though…wonder if I should…?…
14/04/23 14:20 ゆみこ さん
画塾周辺の草花 Grass flowers around the painting...
日くらい経ってるそうです(笑)I got “HATUKA DAIKON”.(Japanese radish. It is able to eat, after 20days passed.)However this radish passes more than 100 days after they plant it. lol…
14/04/09 01:11 クジ さん
Hinata from Haikyuu. Yesterday @ iScribble (I happened to end up...
Hinata from Haikyuu. Yesterday @ iScribble (I happened to end up in a Haikyuu room lol. Drew this for the admin? of that chat room).I usually pop into iscribble for a bit to doodle when I need a littl…
14/04/08 14:45 クジ さん
Hinata from Haikyuu. Yesterday @ iScribble (I happened to end up...
up in a Haikyuu room lol. Drew this for the admin? of that chat room).I usually pop into iscribble for a bit to doodle when I need a break from work =PAnd on that note, I gotta get back to work. lol.…
14/04/07 18:12 クジ さん
A friend showed me this cover sung by a native German speaker...
I think this one tops it in my books (partly because I get nitpicky about proper pronunciation etc lol, regardless of the language) - Although both singers have fantastic voices! Anyway, I’ve been l…
14/04/07 12:08 クジ さん
I also got these for gifts, although I bought one extra...
bought one extra Carnelian cat for myself. They’re so cute! :D #crystals #carving #pretty #cute lol…
14/04/07 11:58 クジ さん
Recently I’ve somewhat developed an interest in crystals...
Recently I’ve somewhat developed an interest in crystals lol XD (as far as Im starting to want to collect them, although not too many!). Theres something about them as well as they’re quite pretty…
14/03/18 17:38 クジ さん
Sticker conversations are the best!
et (altho shortened version) of replies I got on FBFriend a: Hey let's catch up (shortened version lol) Me: Sounds good (it's been ages since we last caught up)! Are you both on Whatsapp or something?…
14/03/12 12:52 クジ さん
Today’s quick breaktime doodle, Edge from FFIV (well, I tried...
Today’s quick breaktime doodle, Edge from FFIV (well, I tried lol) FFIVのエッジ描いてみた。こんな感じでいいのかな?(; ´ ▽ ` )…
14/03/11 14:59 クジ さん
Quick breaktime doodle. I haven’t been doing these lately :S I...
e doodle. I haven’t been doing these lately :S I think I’m still in FF phase hence Terra again lol.…
14/02/24 18:19 クジ さん
Another breaktime sketch (pencil this time lol) :p (Terra, FFVI)
Another breaktime sketch (pencil this time lol) :p (Terra, FFVI)…
14/02/24 08:03 剛田幸村 さん
14/02/20 06:00 クジ さん
Little preview, wip of a pic I randomly started yesterday lol.
Little preview, wip of a pic I randomly started yesterday lol.…
14/02/18 01:10 kouotsu さん
oldgamemags: Cut a great deal for Final Fantasy VII at...
oldgamemags:Cut a great deal for Final Fantasy VII at Sears!Follow oldgamemags on Tumblr for more awesome scans from yesteryear!i still have this shirt lol i got it with a cloud action figure i think…
14/02/01 19:36 黒崎 真冬 さん
14/01/11 08:50 むらた さん
りもする。初めてそんな事を考えた。多分これってもっと幼い頃、いわゆる思春期に通過する部分だったんではないかとつまり思春期なう!?wtf lol…
14/01/10 12:41 クジ さん
Not the first drawing of the year unfortunately, but one I did...
rst drawing of the year unfortunately, but one I did sometime last month… Just another random OC lol.…
13/11/30 22:24 クジ さん
0 now. Love how they all speak their own language and can’t understand each other haha, also LOL at Razer throwing the Manhunter head at the monster, then the little guy saying with a distressed…
13/11/25 13:44 クジ さん
I want to get into drawing a daily doodle each weekday at...
randomly, then a coworker walked past and was like ‘Elizabeth!’. Haha, I suppose she does look somewhat like BaS Liz :PI’m just not sure whether to include that in the tags lol. Maybe not… :S…