14/12/17 14:21 瑞原タカヤ さん
14/12/06 05:27 素人大学生 さん
boost seat on the sitcom totally ball out what that to Darlene mean that shit Melissa sorry I was fucking Mrs. sorry to say this is sorry whelchel and actually portal that was that airport the work po…
14/11/23 20:34 南瓜汁したたり さん
ライトノベル『カウンタアタック! 特撮学園のCGさん』 ‐第1章 その1‐
ている写真が表示されていた。書き加えられたポップな文字が“I'm gay... fuck me please!”と楽しげに踊っている。女子生徒は、腕時計型スマホのホログ…
14/11/03 05:22 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
s when I have in my hands about 50+ sheets of tone plus the unlimited ones I can print so why the fuck not. I didn't really want to do a geometric background but this piece wasn't planned too well so …
14/11/03 05:22 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
s when I have in my hands about 50+ sheets of tone plus the unlimited ones I can print so why the fuck not. I didn't really want to do a geometric background but this piece wasn't planned too well so …
14/10/29 04:11 日宮理李 さん
トサーバーアップデート内容』http://t.co/JrR9lMzk6m 10-28 18:58 RT @disclosure777: Fuck you.(幻聴) http://t.co/IPT9io0F6k 10-28 18:58 イタズラ電話? 911にかかってき…
14/10/21 06:06 だこつ さん
old-skele-bones: makubenoaijin: MOBILE MACHINE G What the...
old-skele-bones:makubenoaijin:MOBILE MACHINE GWhat the fuck is that speedwagon?…
14/09/09 21:59 kouotsu さん
How long have you been studying 3D?
for it in 2007 or so?? Though I didn’t learn much in the first year or two (or three or four but you say fuck it and start teaching yourself after a point) My first character model was in late 2008.…
14/09/04 07:53 Toshi さん
14/08/21 15:58 Hiropon さん
somekindofcontraption: ohyousillypotato: rogueshenanigans: makin my way downtown walkin...
otato:rogueshenanigans:makin my way downtownwalkin fastfaces pass and im homeboundWhat the actUAL FUCK AM I LOOKING AT JESUS CHRIST…
14/08/21 15:57 Hiropon さん
jodyrobots: if i were a nun I would wear heelies and glide...
jodyrobots:if i were a nun I would wear heelies and glide everywhere just to fuck with people…
14/08/20 16:37 Hiropon さん
st0n3rjesus: contingent-dreams: lunar-raspberry: "And what do...
st0n3rjesus:contingent-dreams:lunar-raspberry:"And what do we say to death?""Not today.""The fuck out my face""Talk to the hand"…
14/08/18 04:10 Hiropon さん
yes-i-am-an-actual-dragon: dalekitsune: jaredstjohn: anniedood...
iedoodles:Painted my graduation cap, ready for commencement tomorrow! Cheers MIT class of 2014 :)I don’t even like Peter Pan and this is pretty legitwho the fuck doesn’t like peter panCaptain Hook…
14/08/14 07:12 素人大学生 さん
as culprit im asking cult shit, what da fuck this? quite stink the pink pigthinkin of changin bigot eatin fake dish neva make it where the fuck ya pointin at? colto, you dodo, imsurrounded …
14/07/24 11:16 だこつ さん
alittlemoreconversation: you-are-infinite-worth: Kitties Fuck,...
alittlemoreconversation:you-are-infinite-worth:KittiesFuck, the last one…
14/06/23 21:35 キイチ@ギネスのみたい さん
14/06/19 07:20 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
But her legs are fucking wrong...how did I miss that...stressed out a bit...messed up a few different prints...then realize I could just reference something...So I changed it up...fuck that other pose…
14/06/17 02:03 rosyemu さん
fuck youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!