13/10/18 09:10 単3 さん
ロックシューター+HGフルアーマーユニコーンガンダムメカ娘改造第五弾。重武装で高機動な美少女!!前作BLACK★ROZEN SAWと対になるようイメージ。…
13/07/23 02:09 YuK さん
I saw delicious recipe in a magazine that Walmart gives out for free. In Walmart LiveBetter Summer 2013 pg 22, Broccoli, apple & bacon salad had very nice balance between citrus taste of apple wit…
13/07/18 19:19 グレイシオン さん
ComiFuro 2 Cheers for good work!
)、great♪There were also a lot of Cosplayer participating this year, and more costume variety. Saw a lot of SnK cosplayers ww It was merrier than last year.Too bad that I didn't take many photos, b…
13/06/17 11:04 kouotsu さん
chokomint: kouotsu: thanks for coming to the stream! here is...
thanks for coming to the stream! here is the progress on the model!can you make this in mmdpleaseI saw a couple people mention wanting this in MMD — I will leave that up to Ken, but the main issue i…
13/06/11 03:31 光河烈火 さん
わしゅわしたシャンパンのようなお酒です うおおおおのみたす…!! RT @saw_ko_van 馬刺しを肴に日本酒…(´ω,`)ジュルリfrom ついっぷる/twipple返信 …
13/05/27 15:57 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Gold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-9
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/05/26 03:21 素人大学生 さん
lly attractive, charming, and she has her beauty in her inner strength... actually I saw her only on TV but not saw any films she was in...She is really attractive actress.Even asian like me can admir…
13/05/14 08:21 Aizer さん
SAW SAW2 メインキャストは変わるものの、続き物ですな。最初の2本を見て面白かったら続きも借りようかなと思ってたのです。まあまあ面白い…
13/05/10 00:15 kaibu222 さん
5/09(木) 22:47:38.31 ID:Lmhwin9Z0 saw 25 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2013/05/09(木) 22:53:11.42 ID:9nvnqj3YO >>2 SAWはグロいというより痛そ…
13/05/01 08:39 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Gold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-5
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/29 00:44 mixturesweet さん
幻になるかと思ってたんだが、Beatlesの”I Saw Her Standiung There”が日尼から出火とのお知らせ。なん...
幻になるかと思ってたんだが、Beatlesの”I Saw Her Standiung There”が日尼から出火とのお知らせ。なんだ…
13/04/28 22:33 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Gold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-6
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/27 10:54 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Bold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-2
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/27 10:54 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Bold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-1
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/27 10:54 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Gold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-2
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/27 10:54 wawa1219 さん
[figma] Black Gold Saw TV ANIMATION ver. (168)-1
wata1219 posted a photo:
13/04/21 02:09 kouotsu さん
P.S. late last year I saw my chinese aunt’s mother and she expressed her disgust at japan for appropriating their written language…
13/04/11 19:24 クジ さん
archiemcphee: Keeping up with the pace of internet meme...
ping up with the pace of internet meme development might just be a hobby unto itself. Last week we saw the rise of Japanese schoolgirls using photography to unleash Dragon Ball Z Makankosappo and Kame…