21/03/17 23:21 寿祐/HyenaEight さん
ちゃんなんだなって思ってましたが★FEARS。壱馬王子が囚われてたよ? why? でも鎖に繋がれて、藻掻いて足掻いて、ほんと好きだよ可愛い。キャ…
21/03/15 04:57 素人大学生 さん
21/03/10 18:42 素人大学生 さん
Is the law sexual consent minimum age 13 inappropriate?
I see the same thing happening as well as the Sea Sheperds. Hey guys, this is not 18-19 centuries. Why you still keep seeking the colonialism and push your values to other countries. It does not make …
21/02/02 23:01 ChouIsamu さん
ドウェアの時代と同じようにソフトウェアに秀でることができない?」(Why doesn’t Japan excel in software as they did in hardware?) というQuora記事の翻訳が話題…
21/01/19 11:02 素人大学生 さん
y politics there, and almost it is impossible for you to change nothing. But, there are always the way to get along with it. (Oh, this is why startups are always comfortable for the high performer!!!)…
21/01/12 03:40 晶山嵐子 さん
説家。 @ranko_bb寝起き三時間が温かいのはなぜだ? https://giren.net/positive-gtd/why-is-it-warm-for-three-hours-to-wake-up/10:32 晶山嵐@一日一食。たまに断食。瞑想…
20/11/27 01:38 素人大学生 さん
For the inappropriate police force against racial minorities
e keep the above bottom line all of us must agree, then I would like to analyze this issue further.Why the violence escalated?1. French police's hostility/discrimination towards black people drove the…
20/10/28 13:26 素人大学生 さん
About the rotation of the Red Black Tree
s pretty stupid such that I feel like smashing my corporate PC with hammer so...).Okay, the reason why red-black tree exists, aside from the binary search tree is for the tree data set of which its hi…
20/10/27 12:00 サトウミヤ さん
Poet Callista Buchen sharing her work during virtual reading
Modlin, the Reynolds poetry chair in UNK’s Department of English, describes Buchen as “the type of engaging poet and reader who will make you wonder why you haven’t been reading more poetry.”…
20/10/22 22:05 素人大学生 さん
ontrol people, in free country via the socially hacking of the SNS, such as the reason (partially) why Trump won the election and the existence of C.A. , and in CCP this is via the anti-Japanese educa…
20/10/22 17:38 サトウミヤ さん
UNK graduate Odalys Cruz aims to inspire students in her hometown
tant for students to have people to look up to, and I hope to be that person in Schuyler. That’s why this is where I’m meant to be.”…
20/10/19 09:01 素人大学生 さん
If you need to create sequence of data with incremental digital indices
. or IDE are sort of de-facto among engineers for coding.Many people misunderstand vim, the reason why vim is powerful is because by using vim we are using the entire Unix OS ecosystem as a single IDE…
20/10/01 05:01 明日武 さん
動く所も見たいけど、ここに行きたい。ここで写真撮りたい https://t.co/UPf4WHy47110/01 00:57asm99rx78RT @kunocf9: #ガンプラプチレビュー1/144 HGUC用 アーガマ カ…
20/09/29 22:41 ノワール さん
yahoo.co.jp/articles/6dca4…posted at 22:22:06RT @zibumitunari: 《関ヶ原で学ぶ疑問詞》 Why→なぜ皆動かぬ!? What→何を考えておる!? When→いつ動くのだ!? Whi…
20/08/21 23:01 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot landscape #41 Autumn This is a #Mandelbrot Set...
number of iterations has been deliberately reduced to make the Mandelbrot set circular. The reason why the title contains “eyes” is because these circles look like eyes to me. (1:51 in the video.)…
20/08/21 07:36 素人大学生 さん
Disposable email address can exploit your website.
ering, you know how risky to leave something non-tech-savvy biz team don't care about. THAT'S WHY COINCHECK DISASTER HAPPENSand people never learn from this lesson.For rejecting these nasty dispo…
20/06/20 18:08 龍牙翔 さん
How to Write a Term Paper Which Will Increase Your School Outcomes
ut asking a mentor instead.Be patient. It can have a very long time to write a term paper. That is why you want to be persistent and don’t be concerned if it takes quite a long time to finish it…
20/06/10 22:06 繊川 さん
Los Angeles SEO Services, California
in your journey of growth can be a daunting task. You need not worry as we are here for your help.Why SEO has become an important part of the Digital Marketing world?As you know there is cut-throat c…