13/01/30 16:57 素人大学生 さん
Still using CVS/SVN is a crime. Use Git Now!!
pretty easy because only you gotta do is type via GitBash as follows:git checkout <branch you wanna go back>and you can check the branches by typing this:git branchpretty easy huh? This is the …
13/01/30 16:07 素人大学生 さん
Windows 8 Experience and MonoDevelop
the main cause of this...Yeah, this happens sometimes.I really am abstract and whimsical guy so I wanna dictate various stuff here illogically.Iteration of Class Value in C#Recently I have found out t…
13/01/27 18:05 ドール さん
【音楽】brian culbertson nice&slow
Without Your Love6. Someone7. Prelude To Together Tonight8. Together Tonight9. All About You10. I Wanna Know11. Someone (Bonus Mix) ピアノいいですねーって思ってたら1曲目はジェフ…
13/01/23 03:36 鷹月白夜 さん
my New Year's illustrations with impressions on your sites!I'm so happy...(ノ´∀`*)and...I WANNA GO TO FRANCE!!…って、フランス語でスラスラ書けるようになりたい。 …
13/01/11 18:51 kouotsu さん
a somewhat unsatisfying answer: IT DEPENDS.For your specific case, if you know in your heart you wanna do comics, conduct some research on what you’d specifically want out of school, and if any sch…
12/12/13 13:38 素人大学生 さん
Hey Amazon, listen to me carefully!
he introduction of the non-auther  is located in front of the main contents what user really wanna read for the first time. Well… why don't you imagine that it sucks… Bookmarks or index doesn…
12/11/24 01:35 kouotsu さん
burnishable: Here’s an olive branch: Some of my favorite...
that is up to someone’s choice. Is it one I would made? Maybe a while ago but I don’t think I wanna do that anymore and I kinda don’t like it. Do I hate people for doing it and want them to stop…
12/11/23 01:26 素人大学生 さん
Aryan Nation from the asian viewpoint.
t first owned by Native Americans, who do not belong to any races you officially admit. So if you wanna worship white-only nation, go back to Europe. There is no authenticity to declare that US should…
12/10/19 16:20 kouotsu さん
do you animate, or have any interest in animating?
yeah I have interest but I have too many things I wanna get good at so I usually don’t get around to practice animation!I got the Animator’s Survival Kit book a while back and I’m like 1/3 throu…
12/10/17 14:57 素人大学生 さん
scientific and fair point of view. In Japan, 99% of so-called philosophers are retarded crap who wanna show their own masturbation and twisted ideology.Anyway, I love math and computers because their…
12/10/17 14:27 素人大学生 さん
I want to sue Japanese Rail Inc., For...
Well... I wanna accuse the Japanese Rail companies of their absolute laziness.Their Crimes are:a.  announce in the train is not brief enough and repetitious that it distracts us from READING in t…
12/10/11 08:37 ヒロチン社 さん
ちゃいますね(;^_^A 』一番お好きなKARAの曲はなんでしょうね?『自分は「Wanna」、「Lupin」、「2 ME」、「STEP」あたりが好きです^^「AHA」も忘れてはい…
12/10/04 04:02 mandi さん
andi: i actually drew that pic thinking, whatever, i know it won't get noticed but this is what i wanna draw right now!! haha…
12/10/03 23:34 茶山の狸 さん
mount_tea: RT @wanna_eat: 「オスプレイなんで反対してんの?」反対派「危ないから!」「どれくらい危ないか知ってるの?」反対派「この半年で3件も墜…
12/10/03 14:26 素人大学生 さん
from some mathematical stuff but I forgot the theorem(8)QoSmeans sort of priority stuff when you wanna communicate with other clients. Like... ambulance cars can pass through the street without hindr…
12/09/23 04:19 素人大学生 さん
sh-exe git: command not found Exception /Unknown option "add"
o face with such kind of retarded risks.    To be ignorant is felony. I don't wanna be rapedby ignorant ass who pushes every responsibility ofmy education towards me. Im gonna kick…
12/09/18 21:04 mandi さん
mandimandi: @DominiqueJW i don't think i am much of a writer, but i just wanna share this stuff you can't experience outside of japan with everybody :)…