21/08/25 11:48 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 09/01下記のサイ…
21/08/22 11:05 だいすけ さん
ていただければと。 BGGボドゲーマChip Theory Games公式サイトkinoeminamiさんのnote内、TMBルール和訳掲載ページThe post TOO MANY BONES first appeared on Idle Blog.…
21/08/17 10:00 だいすけ さん
が代名詞的に使用しているチップのシステムで、他にリリースされているToo Many BonesやHoplomachusなどのタイトルにも同様にチップでHPなどを表示する…
21/07/21 11:45 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 08/01下記のサイ…
21/07/15 04:44 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
do you make me say “How!?”Anyway, you did an excellent job.Oh, and the thread died immediately too, what a shame. #Jashinchan #邪神ちゃん https://t.co/ulDGUrw3Sh 07-14 22:17 ▶Live Reactio…
21/06/24 02:32 素人大学生 さん
d member of Uber....!!!!!!Plus in Rakuten UI I misunderstood that the company now still provides the dividends but it stopped a few years ago too... and they are financially really in tough situation.…
21/06/23 21:06 なつこん さん
です!トラックリストはこんな感じで 01_W-welcome home. You've overdone it today too, haven't you? 02_I will kiss you.OK?(kissing) 03_If I lick your ears, you may get up.(Ear Lick…
21/06/23 15:14 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 07/01下記のサイ…
21/05/30 00:50 素人大学生 さん
ineffable: too great to be expressed in wordsexcursion: short trip/activity as leisurepurloin: stealentreaty: humble requestaporia: conundrum/state of puzzlementtorrent: water streamfeign: pretend to …
21/05/29 21:21 おだまきまな さん
it When it feels too painful自分の人生があまりにも苦痛に満ちているものとは言わないSometimes I just wanna say I love myself but not today when it feels too painful時には…
21/05/20 14:15 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 05/27下記のサイ…
21/05/16 20:41 素人大学生 さん
and you know that, stack,there are always bias between uneducated that they put whole bad thing into one community'this is the cause of our issue' actually it was not you are targeting the wrong guy o…
21/05/16 05:21 素人大学生 さん
360 prod by ChivaBeatz | keitaromo
and you know that, stack,there are always bias between uneducated that they put whole bad thing into one community'this is the cause of our issue' actually it was not you are targeting the wrong guy o…
21/04/19 12:24 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 05/01下記のサイ…
21/03/24 13:27 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/25ロゼッタと…
21/03/24 13:27 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/25ロゼッタと…
21/03/10 18:42 素人大学生 さん
Is the law sexual consent minimum age 13 inappropriate?
uys, this is not 18-19 centuries. Why you still keep seeking the colonialism and push your values to other countries. It does not make sense at all.To speak of U.K. the mess you've done in the world s…
21/03/02 02:48 YuK さん
ebook has 2 choice of either lined notebook or blank notebook. The quality of the notebook is good too, it has matte finish soft cover with 52 pages. I've been using one of them as my filing financing…
21/02/20 14:38 忍 さん
se who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English translator from now on too.翻訳協力者募集(20201208内容追加)(Looking for translators)追記 03/01下記のサイ…
21/02/10 02:23 晶山嵐子 さん
nko_bb英語の"to"と"too"ってリスニングでは同じように聞こえ... - Yahoo!知恵袋 too,to以外の言葉の意味で判断ができるはずですよ。まだtoo,toを聞き分ける…